A laser beam is produced by reflecting a laser beam from radiation. If the radiation is too high, it will cause photochemical damage and thermal damage to the human body, especially for children who are still in the development stage. When the skin a ...

As a society, we must understand the risk of high-performance laser from the perspective of laser safety. With the development of a new Dao laser, it becomes more complex and can produce 670, 650 and 640 & amps; Light. Because the emission wavele ...

With the integration of science and technology in modern teaching, teaching efficiency is improving rapidly. Teachers can walk off the podium and teach in front of the blackboard. Multimedia teaching method is the formation of laser beam or electroni ...

Currently, there are many types of laser pointers on the market. Laser pointers are used in many occasions. Laser pointers are easy to carry and affordable. However, most laser pointers can only achieve presentation functions and cannot change the co ...

At present, multimedia has been widely used in educational institutions, conferences, business demonstrations, etc. It can convey information to participants through text, photos, photos, sound, animation, movies and other forms of expression. Genera ...

In modern society, the use of laser pointers is becoming more and more common. It can be said that laser pointers can be used in all walks of life. Many school stationery stores also buy toy laser pointers. However, the quality of these laser pointer ...

The three conditions for laser pointer generation are: to achieve population inversion, meet threshold conditions and resonance conditions. The primary condition for stimulated emission of light is population inversion. In semiconductors, electrons i ...

The laser pointer is easy to carry, and some commercially available products have a light range of more than 50 meters, which satisfies the fresh mind of minors and is widely welcomed by primary and middle school students. Normally used laser pointer ...

Laser pointers, also known as laser pointer, pointers, etc., are pen-shaped transmitters designed to be portable, easy to hold, and processed into laser modules (light-emitting diodes) with visible lasers. Common laser pointers include red light (λ= ...

Laser pointers are widely used in daily life, such as the scene of a ball game, the scene of a singer's concert, and so on. There is the light of a laser pointer. So, what is the principle of the laser pointer? Laser pointer, also known as laser poin ...
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