The laser particle size analyzer is based on the laser scattering on the surface of the particle to be measured. The angle of the scattered light and the intensity of the light will vary depending on the particle size. According to the Mie scattering ...

Laser technology was first introduced in 1960 and is a kind of light that is enhanced by the stimulation of radiation. Lasers are widely used because of their good monochromaticity, strong directionality, and high brightness. The principle of laser t ...

Laser cladding is a surface alloy layer that is completely different from the composition and properties of the matrix material by cladding the alloy material on the collective surface with high energy density laser beam. Both of these are the use of ...

At the micro level, electrons move randomly around the nucleus, but the distance between the two is different at different energy levels. When electrons fall from a high energy level to a low energy level, according to the law of conservation of ener ...

Laser cutting is the use of high energy density laser beam heating the workpiece, so that the temperature rises rapidly, in a very short time to reach the boiling point of the material, the material begins to vaporize, the formation of vapor. These v ...

Laser processing uses the energy of the light to reach a very high energy density at the focal point after being focused by the lens, and is processed by the photothermal effect. Laser processing does not require tools, processing speed, surface defo ...

In recent years, laser welding machine as a high-quality, high-precision, low-deformation, high-efficiency and high-speed welding equipment, is becoming an important tool for metal materials processing and manufacturing, more and more widely used in ...

When the focused laser beam strikes the workpiece, the irradiated area rises sharply to melt or vaporize the material. Once the laser beam penetrates the workpiece, the cutting process begins: the laser beam moves along the contour line while melting ...

The difference between laser soldering robots and robot solders is that most of us have learned about the traditional robotic soldering iron soldering technology and become the popular main soldering equipment in the current automated soldering equip ...

The scattering of light by particles is used to calculate the particle size distribution of the measured particles based on the distribution of scattered light energy. According to the actual working principle of various particle size measuring instr ...
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