Laser processing uses the energy of the light to reach a very high energy density at the focal point after being focused by the lens, and is processed by the photothermal effect. Laser processing does not require tools, processing speed, surface defo ...

Laser welding is more and more widely used in various fields of medical devices because of its advantages of local heating, precision processing, and non-contact heating. Compared with other commonly used welding techniques, laser welding technology ...

515nm green line laser alignment is only getting the maximum output power of 50mW, however, it is enough for users to make line targeting at quite long distance and high lighting working occasion. Once green laser beam is pointed under sunlight, huma ...

With the maturing and perfection of laser cutting machine technology in recent years, the future laser cutting equipment will be divided into two development roads. One is to upgrade the existing technology, for example, when the thickness of the boa ...

Radar is not unfamiliar to many people, but laser radar may not hear much. In recent years, with the exposure of unmanned technologies such as Google and Tesla, laser radar has also attracted wide attention. Lidar, or light detection and measurement, ...

The laser beam has good monochromaticity, coherence, and directionality. The spot diameter can be as small as micron, and the action time can be as short as nanoseconds and picoseconds. It is suitable for precision machining. Important indicators for ...

Fiber lasers are gradually favored by laser system integrators because of their advantages of high efficiency and low maintenance operating costs. CO2 lasers and other solid-state lasers have been or are being replaced in many applications, revolutio ...

Laser is a kind of device that can transmit laser. According to working medium, laser can be divided into 4 categories: gas laser, solid laser, semiconductor laser and dye laser. Recently, free electron lasers have been developed. High power lasers a ...

On basis of the good use of 635nm red laser diode with import laser tech, when it is made into a real red laser line generator, it is not only keeping high purity and superior bright red laser beam and red laser line targeting, but also getting at le ...

Without spending a lot of time on prior line drawing or line positioning work before real line alignment or line cutting work with a manual line drawing tool, the use of 532nm glass lens green laser line generator is always bringing users totally dif ...
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