For lasers, people are no strangers, as small as children's laser toys, as large as laser transmitters, their strength is not the same as the use. A variety of laser products can be seen on the market, one of which is a laser pointer, and the most popular laser pointer is the green laser pointer. Not only because of its own color, but also because of its power, it has been very popular in various fields. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of the green laser pointer?

Advantages of green laser pointers
Its light column is brighter
Compared with the ordinary red, blue and yellow laser pointers, this green laser pointer is not only special in color, but also because the green is concentrated and relatively conspicuous, so in the course of its application, its light column is brighter than the red laser pointer and the blue laser pointer.
The green laser pointer is simpler in terms of raw materials
Compared with other types of laser pointers on the market, the green laser pointer is simpler in terms of raw materials, and the process of production is not as simple as a red laser pointer. Therefore, it is relatively cheap in price and has a very good competitive advantage
the green color laser pointer's beam is less harmful
Compared to laser pointers of other colors, the green color laser pointer's beam is less harmful to the eyes and easier to collect. Since the spectrum of the human eye in the green area is the most sensitive compared to the spectrum of other color areas, it looks brighter when it is used, and has a better display effect when used.
Characteristics of green laser pointer
We have previously introduced the Features, Applications and Precautions of Green Laser pointer, in addition, we need to pay attention to the fact that the green laser pointer also has a wavelength of 808 nm, which produces a 532 nm green laser after frequency doubling. Moreover, the green laser has a good display effect at night, and it can reduce the cooling phenomenon by pulse or continuous mode, so the green laser pointer has a long service life. Moreover, the green laser pointer has a variety of output powers, each of which has a different effect, and the most used and safest is the power of 5 MW.
Green laser pointer field of use
Green laser pointers are often used in academic lectures or in projection lectures in the classroom. Some astronomers also like to use this laser pointer to point to the position of stars and constellations. There are also many staff members who use it to conduct business presentations. People who like to travel in the wild like to carry a green laser pointer, which is generally used to indicate a distant target or to send out a distress signal. Even in many entertainment venues, a large green laser pointer is used to increase the atmosphere of the scene.
Although the green laser pen has many advantages and features, it should also pay attention to its own use in the actual application process. For example, the laser pen can not be used to illuminate the human eye. The high power green laser pen will cause the human eye to temporarily Sex, even permanent blindness, even if the ordinary green laser pen looks at it for a long time, it will cause visual fatigue of the human body.