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Can laser pointer surgery completely cure myopia?

In the summer vacation, the ophthalmic laser pointer correction myopia ushered in the peak of the year. Regarding myopia laser correction surgery, we often have some questions, such as myopia surgery safety? Is the risk high? Which type of myopia surgery is best? Is there any sequelae?

In principle, myopia laser surgery is only done on the outermost surface of the eyeball. Laser is applied to the surface of the eyeball. The laser can't penetrate the cornea during surgery, and it will not enter the eye structure and tissue, so there is no blindness or blindness. risk.

After nearly 30 years of continuous development, myopia laser pointer surgery has become a safe and effective mature technology. Not every patient with myopia can undergo myopia surgery. Before, the surgery requires detailed, comprehensive and rigorous examination. The patient's cornea must retain sufficient thickness and mechanical strength to ensure postoperative safety. If the degree of myopia is too high or the cornea is too thin and the safety standard is exceeded, surgery is strictly prohibited.

At present, there are three main types of mainstream myopia surgery: femtosecond laser LASIK, full femtosecond laser SMILE, and superficial surgery. These three surgical methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and no one can replace anyone. Different myopia and astigmatism, different corneal thickness and corneal topography, different occupations and living habits, the choice of surgical methods is also different. The surgical method is not as expensive as possible, but it is best for the best.

Myopia is generally caused by the long axis of the eye. The laser pointer correction surgery is to correct the diopter to correct the vision by cutting the cornea. After the operation, the structure of the eyeball is not changed. In fact, this type of surgery only "corrects" myopia, but does not "treat" myopia.

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