Free Gifts For Orders Greater Than $100 - Green Laser Pointer

Will the laser pointer damage your eyes?

A laser beam is produced by reflecting a laser beam from radiation. If the radiation is too high, it will cause photochemical damage and thermal damage to the human body, especially for children who are still in the development stage. When the skin and eyes are irradiated by the laser pointer, the radiation produced by the Laser pointer will cause photochemical damage and thermal damage to the human body, which will aggravate the pain of the children. The consequences could be severe. An ophthalmologist said that the cause of the laser is the thermal effect. The heat can damage the eyes and skin. By shining a laser pointer through the eye, the laser is focused on a very small spot on the retina, the immediate temperature increases and the retina is destroyed, and if the energy is sufficient and the thinking is not turned on () usually for less than a second), it can cause permanent damage.

There were a number of cases where there was a lot of visual impairment and there was a case report of a 10-year-old boy who was shot with a laser early in the morning and a few seconds later I had a feeling that my right eye was in a round black hole and everything was invisible but soon it turned out that his vision was impaired, and the doctor said he didn't know what to do about it. The maximum energy of 200 thousand yuan laser pointer has been pointed at a 4 foot balloon after the crack, they will radiate the laser pointer, the balloon directly exploded, visible laser pointer damage is still very large, if it took away the eye, the extent of damage is imperative.Lasers are more likely to cause damage to the surface chemistry of high-energy materials than other high-energy lasers, and these devices are often used in military, industrial or hospital applications. The severity of the damage depends directly on the type of point, wave length, exposure time, and prime number.

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