Traditional laser pointer group buying has two disadvantages: First, they cannot be in the LCD display. And: the lecturer must turn away from the audience. Samsung is now avoiding this situation with its 1 which can be used for large-size displays, S ...

How much do you know about high power laser pointer? Maybe you only know red and green, maybe you also know that it can be divided into remote and ordinary, but do you also know some? It can not be said that it is secretly telling you a secret, that ...

Ordinary consumers can contact or use products, such as high power laser pointer, laser measuring equipment, tools with laser instructions, generally not higher than 3R class. Some markets, such as Europe and Australia, require indicating lasers, suc ...

When choosing a child's toy, check it carefully and make sure it has a laser. General laser products will be labeled with safety categories. Do not buy laser products above category 1 or unknown children's toys. Do not directly illuminate your eyes o ...

Early high power laser pointer used helium-neon (HeNe) gas lasers with a wavelength of 633 nanometers (nm), which were usually used to generate laser beams with an energy of no more than 1 milliwatt. The cheapest laser pointer uses a red laser diode ...
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