Laser Pointers are common in daily life. Maybe adults have already seen it. But for me, when I first saw a high powered laser as a child, I was fascinated by its colorful, straight light. I feel like my eyes are full of color. As adults, we use this amazing tool a lot in our lives, but many people don't know what makes a laser pointer glow or how it's made. After viewing many videos, let me share with you the steps of making laser pointer!

First, we need to collect the production data. Gather materials. Most of the materials mentioned in the "What do you Need" section can be purchased at online shopping sites or hardware retailers. Some, such as laser diodes, red laser diodes (no DVD burners) are here. It's a great option for those who don't have a DVD burner or can't be bothered to dismantle it. If you don't want other DVD burner parts, laser diodes are also cheaper. It can be found in other electronic devices, such as disk loggers. Many countries have laws on the use and power of laser Pointers. You could even be sued for owning a laser pointer that exceeds the permitted power limit. Keep that in mind and put down the laser pointer if necessary. Of course, because of this damage, we have to wear laser goggles at all times to protect ourselves.
Specific steps:
1. Press the laser diode into the laser module.
2. Practical professional tools can be used to suppress diodes.
3. Diagnostic tools for testing Settings.