If anything happened to mine, I'd buy one of them right away. Everyone should have one of these. In addition to white light, it can also light up red at night or in military situations. I received this free laser pointer for product testing and really unbiased reviews and I am pleased with the purchase. All opinions expressed are entirely my own, based on my personal experience with the green laser pointer. I'm glad it uses three AAA batteries instead of two, so I'd like to know what the power and duration is. The laser pointer is intended to be a versatile tool. Many articles posted on this blog attest to this. Unlike the video where we play with animals (cats, fish, ducks), the green laser pointer also allows you to teach your pet how to find and bring back a large number of objects by using the laser pointer to aim at them. This new teaching method is very effective, as the video shows. In addition to the training aspect, the laser pointer provides an important fun aspect that you can use to play and develop its reactivity. Just a few weeks will be enough to get your dog used to it and teach him to use a laser pointer to retrieve items.

The more power any laser has, the better its visibility. Depending on horsepower and color, ranges can be as low as more than a mile, while higher-horsepower units can exceed 10 miles. So what kind of range can you get from a 100mW green laser? 10 miles or more. 1000MW blue laser? Beyond the target range of 15 miles. Laser designator power is measured in mW (milliwatts) and typically ranges from 5mW to 1500mW (depending on the unit). Many 10000MW green high powered laser designators may be very bright but are not necessarily defined as high power lasers, if you are looking for thermal lasers you will need 10000MW or higher (all colors), the more power the better.