Purple, blue and red lasers are less visually sensitive and feel much darker than green. The laser beam is also hard to see for some people, so the higher the output, the easier it is to see. Even with the same output, the appearance and glare of green and purple, blue and red are completely different. For those who are too glitzy to demonstrate on the green, it might be just right. No doubt it will get people's attention! Best of all, this beautifully colored laser is a must see. The atmosphere emits 10 times more green light than red. To the human eye, a green laser looks much better than a red one. 532nm green is more sensitive, so the human eye is more sensitive than green and red lasers. Low power green laser pointer is always the right choice for astronomical research and pointing. As useful as 5.5W laser Pointers are in astronomy, they can face serious problems if you are not careful and do not know the rules of use.

People will find that green 3.5w laser pointer between 1mW and 5mW are not bright and look good with astronomical scopes. Beams of light darken in the sky. Conversely, high-powered lasers can damage the retina and cause serious plane crashes. A medium-power green laser pointer in the range of 5mW to 50mW will suffice, perfect for pointing at the stars. Visible light can pass through the Earth's atmosphere and quickly reach objects of interest. You can see the celestial bodies clearly and accurately.