Green, red, purple and blue lasers and a 500W laser pointer that can kill matches and light cigarettes at a range of 4m and you do have video proof that 1400km is a 500 megawatt laser pointer that can focus on doing that. That's focus. The brightness of a flashlight is usually within 20 to 40 centimeters (16 to 20 inches). 500W laser pointer Is not as strong as you say Dark clothing will be carefully burned, placed 20 to 40 cm (12 inches) away. The damage to wood and skin won't be true of course if you open it for 10 minutes.

How to light a match in four seconds is the 21st century. The 500W Laser pointer is a long ink guide that can extend the length of the needle, replace the needle or other needles. It can also be used as a pointer during powerpoint presentations. This pen can reach hundreds of meters. I can see light and dark outside, so a laser pen is often used as a pencil. Now most laser Pointers are red, green and blue small and expensive. Laser mesh: normal use of laser display is usually at 4 levels, less than 2 levels (0.4 -- 1mwat), so it does not pollute the eyes and skin, but the intensity of the box is greater than 35 km/h, may cause injury. Some pens have 100 or 300 or 300 milligrams of energy and can instantly ignite matches, fireworks, paper, etc. Long-term exposure can damage the retina and skin, causing permanent damage and even blindness.