With the introduction of 5mw green laser pointer for the first time on the market, various laser pointers have also appeared on the market. At the same time, there are always different options when looking for laser pointer recommendations for fans, demos, astronomers, military applications, search and rescue. If you get a proficient laser pointer in the widest range of applications you need, it's worth it. Different requirements determine the choice of different laser pointers, and ultimately determine which laser tool to choose.

Usually people look for lasers just for fun. In this case, cheap laser pointers are already powerful enough, and the requirements for high-tech specifications and high standards are not so high. Choosing a low-quality 5mw green laser pointer is not a good thing, but you only need to choose a laser of a specific color or specification. Facts have proved that this laser pointer is a good entertainment tool and astronomy. Due to its powerful output and powerful rays, it can be used for balloon bursts, matches, burning plastic and rubber, and even cigarette lighters with infrared filters. Dark objects usually absorb heat and energy more easily, so choose black balloons, black matches and fast burning.