Under normal circumstances, the imported red 650nm glass window diode laser can always give this laser pointer a special service life of more than 8000 hours. Regardless of the field of industrial operation, this laser only emits the most special Gaussian red laser in the operation. Although it's a little tedious to use, once the powerful high power laser pointer is where it should be, you can even shoot it and keep it securely connected. For a laser pointer of this reputation and price, I expected more. It worked for about a month (enough to get time back to expiry), then the 600mW output dropped dramatically.
500MW Laser Pointer
If the user installs this 500mW laser pointer on the desired machine or equipment, it will start to efficiently generate stable and reliable dots on all work surfaces. This is why it is important to use a power supply with a regulated output. In the field of modern industrial work, laser pointers are still used as very portable tool points, as attachments to many mechanical or measuring devices. However, in those areas of industrial dot generation work, the user is only strictly required to keep the dot generation uninterrupted for long periods of time.

In the actual field of dotting work, due to the superiority of its adjustable focus, users can always get a relatively satisfactory dotting effect. You may have seen 1000mW lasers for these pendants elsewhere. Don't be fooled. These products are no different. Earlier, these laser pointers were very directional. By my estimate, it puts out less than 200 mW. After all, I can't find anything on the internet that suggests that anyone has ever had a problem with JETLASERS. Remember, I didn't abuse the green laser pointer, crush it, fall it, expose it to shock or heat, I'd even say I'm a baby. It's in the holster most of the time, on my belt. The extra cost is worth it. Under high power, night becomes day (exaggerated)! It floods anything you point at with a powerful green beam.