The problem is that this green 75 mw green laser pointer is very cheap. Unpacking is easy. Please note that the lamp itself can only be rotated up and down. This is not my problem. It became brighter than I thought. I must order for more than a month now. Make sure it works well, but set the settings exactly the way I want. I want to turn on the green laser pointer with any lighting, but I don't recommend connecting it. I am looking for something that can illuminate the path and backyard from the balcony. As for the price, it is a super laser pointer, which exceeds sufficient protection within a range of about 60 meters. Compared with red and blue lasers, the human eye is more sensitive to green. In fact, at the same output power, the 532nm green laser is 7-10 times brighter than any other beam. The green pointer is great for signaling to very far objects because it can easily follow the laser beam completely. We provide green laser pointers for countless applications, including star pointing, presentations, presentations, photography, etc.

However, under the guidance of the extensive entertainment industry, the green laser pointer has been used in many applications in many places to prevent the potential danger of accessing the pointer. In rare cases, you may be holding laser gloves and you can see professional dancers on the stage. These are usually different from pointers that are guaranteed to produce a very divergent light that is safe for the eyes. In one or two cases, the magician acts as a magician's magic performance. The commercial difference is about 1mrad. The beam thickness is increased by 1 mm/m. In most cases, cheap red laser diodes (wavelength 635-750 nm) are used. Green (490-575 nm) and quite expensive orange to yellow (575-635 nm) and blue (405-490 nm) USB 75 mw green laser pointer are also available.