The laser microscope (CLSM) consists of a confocal microscope and a femtosecond infrared laser Verdi/Mira. It is a combination of optical microscope and modern Laser pointer technology, high-sensitivity detection technology, scanning control technology, microcomputer image processing technology, fluorescence and marking technology. . CLSM has opened up a new way for life sciences to observe the structure of living cells and changes in specific molecules and ion biology, becoming a new generation of powerful research tools in the fields of molecular cell biology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and genetics.

Configure laser microscope
To set up this simple but very engaging presentation, fill the syringe with water from a pond or river. If you live near the coast, please get sea water. If you are not near a pond, river, or ocean, collect water from a puddle. Water or other bodies of water that may contain tiny organisms (0.2 to 0.5 mm). Fill the syringe with the collected water. Fix the syringe on the laboratory holder so that a drop of water hangs from the tip. Align the droplet with the green laser beam so that the beam passes through the center of the droplet, perpendicular to the wall. Your setup should be about two feet away from a pure white screen or wall, where the bright green dots will display an impressive array of single-celled animals, larvae, fleas, floaters, and swimming.