However, the laser pointer emits a single color of light and does not spread, but all the light travels in one direction. This means that when you look at the light from the flashlight, only a small part of all the light from the flashlight will hit your eyes. However, for a laser pointer, if you are looking at the laser beam, all the light can reach your eyes at the same time. The Laser Pointer has a unique quality that distinguishes it from anything that has existed before, saying: "It can produce a strong and very narrow beam of a single wavelength." Under different intensities, this beam can make a rock concert a big win, or help surgeons accurately correct poor eyesight. Scientists saw its prospects, and soon after, lasers were used in the STEM field. But some savvy people have predicted bigger things for lasers.

Injuries and children are sometimes complementary. For example, when digital watches become so cheap that every school-age child can have one, children use glass surfaces to illuminate other students, teachers, and objects. They also observed the existence of cracks, pores, and various columnar and band-like particle structures. Each such structure affects the life and effectiveness of the cladding. For example, cladding cracking can be a hotbed of corrosion and even penetrate the cladding and reach the substrate. Particles or other microstructures can affect the mechanical properties of the coating layer, and in some cases reduce the tensile strength of the coating layer. Another use of lasers in cave exploration is to inspect underground pools and streams. If the water in the cave is relatively clear, a laser pointer can be recommended to illuminate the underwater terrain so that people on the water can see it. This method is not as effective as putting strong light into the water, but it can be performed from a distance without entering the water or polluting the water.