It is reported that the idea of ​​laser-powered weapon systems can be traced back to at least the 1980s and President Reagan’s "Star Wars" strategic defense plan. Under the leadership of the Trump administration, the US military approved a new strategy to accelerate various orientations. Rapid prototyping and field operations of energy weapons. The plan includes missile-killing Green laser pointer and "neutral beams" that bombard enemy projectiles with subatomic particles until they are rendered useless. In May last year, the U.S. Navy demonstrated its Laser Weapon System Demonstrator (LWSD) and used it to shoot down an unmanned aerial vehicle at sea. The operating power of LWSD is 150 kilowatts, and it is launched from the amphibious transport ship "Portland" to an unmanned aerial vehicle. The beam ignited it, and the drone rolled and fell from the air. The establishment of the U.S. Space Force made the U.S.'s ambitions to enter space clear, and it also attracted widespread attention from all over the world. Countries began to compete to develop laser weapons, a new concept weapon that plays a huge role in space warfare.

Israel, Britain, France and other countries have also devoted great enthusiasm to the development of laser weapons. So, why are countries so diligent about laser weapons? Has the era of high power laser pointer weapons arrived? Today, let us find out. Although laser weapons can be used to defend cruise missiles and long-range strategic bombers, their main strategic significance lies in intercepting intercontinental ballistic missiles and effectively reducing the strategic threat of intercontinental ballistic missiles. During the Cold War, in the "Star Wars" plan formulated by the United States, laser cannons planned to be deployed in space were the key means to intercept Soviet intercontinental missiles. The Pentagon believes that space laser weapons can destroy any air target within a range of hundreds to thousands of kilometers. The advantages of no terrain obstruction and no air disturbance in space make it the best choice for dealing with intercontinental missiles. Therefore, the Pentagon regards space laser weapon technology as the ultimate solution to overcome the threat of missiles during the flight boost phase.