Laser Pointers of different colors are made up of different wavelengths of light, a kind of energy. When it focuses on a particular area, it's an energy release. The general use of blue laser Pointers generally falls into four categories. For grade 2 (0.4-1MW), there is no eye damage unless prolonged exposure. A laser pointer is a tool with a laser pointer. It is always far away and can be used in place of a presentation tool for powerpoint slides.

Laser dots can be seen at a distance of tens of meters when you use a green laser pointer, which is often used as an indicator. It is easier to make a red laser pointer with a wavelength of about 600 nanometers, mature technology and mature semiconductor materials. The wavelength of the green laser is about 530nm. At present, the semiconductor laser technology of this band is not very mature. Therefore, green laser Pointers are expensive and have low power output. The laser designator may not be visible, but it can be very dangerous. While they are a very effective tool for drawing attention to a presentation, using them for other purposes can do a lot of damage. By following a few simple safety tips, you can prevent anyone from getting hurt during the presentation.