The principle of the red Laser pointer is that a laser diode emits light directly when it is energized. The principle of the green laser: The wavelength of the 1064nm infrared light emitted by the infrared semiconductor laser is converted through the nonlinear crystal (KIP crystal), so that it emits 532nm green light. The green light is not emitted directly from the semiconductor laser. The price of KTP is very expensive, and the yield is not as high as red. Overall, the price of green light is much higher than that of red light. The visual effect of the 200mW red laser is similar to that of the 20mw green laser, and the power consumption is also similar.

Why is the power difference ten times the same? Reason 1. The conversion efficiency of green light is generally less than 10%, that is to say, 50mW green light requires 500mW infrared laser tube. 2. Red light is easier to transmit through air, dust, and moisture, so it needs more work to be able to see the light path.Green light is more scattered in the air than red light (the shorter the wavelength, the greater the scattering), and the sensitivity of the eyes to the green 532nm wavelength is about 8 times greater than that of the red 650nm, so the visual effect of green light is better than Hongguang is about 10 times larger. Laser pointers are often used by professors and teachers as a presentation aid. For this purpose, a low-power laser pointer is sufficient. Powerful lasers can illuminate the night sky and are used by astronomers to observe stars and constellations. Some researchers or scientists can also use them. Laser pointers have different wattages. Power output is usually measured in milliwatts. As a guide, the relationship between the power and potential hazards of different types of laser pointers is as follows.