How to buy high-power laser Pointers, you can consider buying online. High power green laser pointer. A high-power laser consists of a battery, a printed circuit board, a switch, a pump source, a crystal as the laser's working medium, and an optical element formed before the optical path of the pump source. The characteristic of the system is that the crystal is the natural frequency doubling crystal, and the natural frequency doubling crystal is treated in the process of frequency doubling phase rectification. Two transparent crystal SHG are frozen on the surface for convenient light absorption around the pump station, oscillating at a basic optical frequency of 05-1m at a frequency of 0,525-0,55μM. Turn dielectric output end between two translucent, thickness is 0.1-15 mm; The pumped light of the semiconductor laser diode is injected into a dual-frequency crystal. Once the power of the pumped light reaches a certain value, the green laser is fired directly from the dual-frequency crystal. The invention of green laser pen can avoid its disadvantages of a long cycle, high cost, treatment and a complex assembly, etc., resulting in the current use of such as sticky (Nd: YVO4 crystal + KTP), simple structure, small size, reliable performance, good quality and output power beam, son and low (about profitable).

Dealers of light wavelength is high power Laser pointer 532 nanometers,type IIIA class laser and two AAA batteries, used for high power laser weapons dealers of brightness is relatively objective, it is the most harmful eyes, the higher the power, the greatest danger, generally 5MW is often used. Laser Pointers for 5MW are approved in the US market, and beyond 5MW require special licensing and there are no strict restrictions in this country, which forces our users to continue to pay special attention to safety, without looking at the eyes or other sensitive components and preventing laser reflections from entering the eyes. Adjustable green lights usually also have a dual circuit breaker.