Low-cost laser pointers include check point swing laser diodes that emit a red light. They act as optical pointers during lectures. When used as intended, the green laser pointer is a safety device with a radiation output of up to 1 mW (laser class 2). There are more expensive laser pointers that emit green light on the market. Because the eyes are very sensitive to this, these check point swing laser pointers look very bright under the same radiant power, but they also exclude the danger of correct use. Which is the real good choice, laser pointer, presenter, or both? Well, the location of use is decisive. Or you can’t use a PC to demonstrate lectures and meetings, which is very rare. If you want to point on maps, objects, etc. on the wall, the laser pointer needs a green laser pointer instead. It always makes sense to use it, even if the displayed object is far away or cannot be approached with your arm or stick.

Power The power of the emitted light is mostly less than 3mW. Therefore, the laser is compatible with Class 1 to 3R. With a laser pointer, the distribution of output values ​​is usually very large, even if it is a 3W laser pointer model with the same structure. This means you will also get a laser pointer with an output power of 10 mW (these laser pointers usually correspond to category 3B) and have no corresponding markings).