In this case, we should not look directly at any laser beam. The laser characteristics of the laser pointer allow the laser to be fired as a compact beam that does not get larger at a certain distance from the laser. That means the laser could be as dangerous near and far. The eye can focus a laser beam on a very small and intense point on the retina, which can cause burns or blind spots. Because the laser energy is quite concentrated, it is harmful to human body, especially the eyes. Prolonged eye contact can lead to blindness.

The focus of the laser beam from the Green laser pointer produces heat, and when the focus of the laser beam falls on the retina, it burns the eye. Especially for children, eye tissue is delicate. Once the laser beam reaches the macula, it can cause serious and irreversible damage to the eye. It can even lead to blindness if exposed for a long time. Therefore, we must pay attention to the fact that although laser Pointers on the market have greatly reduced the power, the eyes, especially those of children still in the developing stage, are very vulnerable. Laser light directly into the eye can cause burns to a child's eyes. Therefore, parents must pay attention to avoid allowing children to contact laser Pointers and other laser toys. But if the laser pointer is really irradiated, please go to the hospital in time to check. Do not assume that the matter is not serious now is not important, because in many cases, not timely medical treatment will lead to the problem becomes more serious!