Common uses are: Instruction instructions, meeting orders, voice commands, sales manuals, warehouse displays, site instructions, instruction manuals, etc.
Young people like this for entertainment ,.
Entertainment changes some like laser light, like what it's like to play with some green leather red laser pointer
Some used to refer to stars etc
Simply put, you want to do it for you in terms of laser pointers, for this purpose.

2000mw green laser flashlight ultra high power green laser pointer 1000mw green laser pointer
Fireworks at the point using matches and lighters can also be a spring festival. "Remote" points Obsolete when selling fireworks online with high power laser pointer. The pen isn't a little less powerful. It can, secondly, ignite a match and ignite a firecracker 5 meters out. Many laser pointer worries will hurt the tool. Therefore, when faced with strong laser light, security measures must be taken, you can use protective glasses for anti-laser, laser pointer can be 5 meters outside and easily ignite, " The Internet, which now sells 40-5 meter laser pointers, can turn on the explosive bamboo.
Laser pointer caution: Please refrain from the following acts.
☆ Direct laser irradiation to humans and animals
☆ Ultra-high power laser pointer-put it within reach of young children
☆ Look directly at the green laser beam emission port
☆ View the laser beam using a condensing device, etc.
☆ Irradiate the room of another person's house with laser light
☆ Irradiate a reflective object installed in a public place with laser light
☆ Irradiate an airplane or airship with laser light
☆ Irradiate a car that is driving or a car with people inside with laser light
☆ Irradiate a laser beam toward a reflecting object such as a mirror