Almost every week, a player is blinded by a Laser pointer in the stands before a throw-in, corner kick or penalty kick. In the international competition held in Austria in 2008, this kind of intervention became the focus of German football for the first time. At that time, the relevant person in charge still dismissed this kind of "rare". For some time now, train drivers and pilots have also complained about dangerous interference in railway and air traffic.

After the game in Naples, Bayern Sports Director Christian Nerlinger was angry and talked about "impossibility." Bringing laser pointers into the stadium is very easy because they are usually no bigger than pens or key rings. If the beam hits the eye, it may cause temporary or permanent damage to the retina. Hannover goalkeeper Florian Florian Florian Frovitz once complained of "slight brain pain" after being attacked by a laser in the Bundesliga game.
Laser attacks have long been known to the world. The World Pilots Association reported about 600 cases worldwide in 2007. Pilot spokesman Handvogel fears that it will increase further. It is not just children or young people who blind pilots. He reported the glare attack in Buffalo, USA. After the pilot went blind, the crew of a police helicopter went to look for the perpetrator. The police were also blinded, but they caught three people. Two of the perpetrators were over 20 years old and one was 40 years old.