When hung inside a tent, the wind can create enough motion that the laser pointer slowly slides off and lights up inadvertently. Even if we hang up, the laser will stay on wherever we want. It's a great product so far, although I have to admit I haven't tried it in an actual blackout. I bought these for military burning in my house. We had an unforeseen problem with our RV and had no electricity. In general, the 5000mW laser pointer setting might be a little enthusiastic, but within the output range. I use these a lot in garages, basements, and crawl spaces. The accent swipe is useful, functional, and works great. The button tail cap is responsive and reliable. I believe it's waterproof, but I don't think this high power laser pointer is waterproof. Failed for two 10000mW laser pointers, I used it for less than 15 hours.
200MW easy to use laser pointer
I went back to the 200mW laser pointer and received a replacement. Generally speaking, the 5000mW rating might be a little enthusiastic, but within the output range. I use these a lot in garages, basements, and crawl spaces. The accent swipe is useful, functional, and works great. The button tail cap is responsive and reliable. I believe it's waterproof, but I don't think it's waterproof. Failed for two 10000mW laser pointers, I used it for less than 15 hours. While the 10W laser is still on, it may be running at 5% to 10% output power. Another reason is the lack of uniformity of features. Don't wait for lasers to order them, as delivery from China takes weeks. For three bucks, you can't beat these. I bought three to put around the house and in a camping bag. Today finally went with a new point of view. It was zeroed before leaving, and only a few hits the rest of the way to zero.

What is the battery life of a 10W laser pointer?
While the 10W laser is still on, it may be running at 5% to 10% output power. Another reason is the lack of uniformity of features. Don't wait for green laser pointer to order them, as delivery from China takes weeks. For three bucks, you can't beat these. I bought three to put around the house and in a camping bag. 1000mW laser pointer and an interesting headlight. If you don't turn it off all the time, your lights will stay on, which is not bad since they're easy to turn on and off, but I've seen this happen occasionally.