This requires a special algorithm to solve the drift problem. For example, through feature matching, the laser pointer extracts some data about "features" to compare the differences. Thereby detecting whether there is drift. And the degree of position drift, and then reverse correction. In addition to this, the idea of global optimization can also be adopted, and the vehicle can also be accurately positioned. Another problem is that visual navigation requires relatively high illumination. Unlike lidar, which does not require illumination, it can detect the distance of obstacles from the car. Since visual navigation relies on the camera to collect environmental information, the camera itself does not emit light. Therefore, when the light is not good, you need to use auxiliary light to illuminate. Just like the human eye needs to turn on the lights at night to see the surrounding environment.

From this point of view, the future green laser pointer visual navigation system must also solve the navigation problem under poor light conditions. In addition, there are weather, congestion, and various emergencies, which will affect the normal performance of visual navigation to a certain extent. Tesla ’s collision with a large white truck in May last year is the best example. According to Tesla ’s explanation of the accident, Tesla was driving against the light when the two cars collided, and the strong light carried Tesla. The camera caused dryness, and the white body of the large truck could not be recognized by the camera when it encountered strong light, which caused the accident. This can be seen. Although visual navigation sounds beautiful. Implementation is a long way to go.
Anyone with a laser should not look at the laser beam or stains, and do not try to abuse it unless authorized. A laser that is strong enough under visible light can penetrate the eyeball and cause the retina to heat up. Infrared lasers are particularly dangerous because the human eye does not react and react to invisible light beams. Even when exposed to high-power infrared lasers, people may not feel pain or notice that their vision is immediately damaged. The retina may suffer terrible damage without warning.