Only class I laser Pointers can be regarded as children's toys for reasonably foreseeable use. In recent years, there has been increasing concern about the improper use of lasers. Lasers, especially strong light. Direct contact with the eyes can cause irritation and visual problems. There are also plenty of superpowered laser Pointers that are just easy to touch. Many have called for standardization of the production and use of laser walls. These groups also use laser doors and most are overworked. You've become a weapon in disguise, harmful and hurtful.

If we want to strengthen the management of Laser pointer, we must first strengthen the source observation and publicity of mass media. Use laser guns wisely and regularly and we should... Sell to certain groups. Companies must make more obvious warnings on product packaging so that users can better understand the potential dangers of laser products. Companies need to warn home buyers about the potential safety risks of selling laser products. Low frequency to high laser product risks are classified as 1 m, 2, 2m, 3R, 3B and 4. The truth is, not handling flares properly can damage the retina.