Any motorist with an inexpensive laser pointer blind, must consider procedures for dangerous interventions in road traffic. Penalty: Up to ten years in prison or a fine. In the US, where nearly 4,000 pilots went blind last year, the FBI has now offered $10,000 for information on capturing blind people. In Germany, a 29-year-old pilot was recently sentenced to eight years in prison by the Bautzen district court after he was convicted of targeting a federal police helicopter a few months ago. In Germany, blue high power laser pointer are 10000mw allowed, but only up to 1mW (Class 1) power. This corresponds to the transmitter of the car's central locking system. But the many cheap ones from the Far East are more powerful and therefore more dangerous. Physicists at the University of Mainz tested such devices and found that the concentrated beam of a 13-watt laser pointer could ignite paper.

Have a cheap laser pointer
Any motorist with an inexpensive laser pointer blind, must consider procedures for dangerous interventions in road traffic. Penalty: Up to ten years in prison or a fine. In the US, where nearly 4,000 pilots went blind last year, the FBI has now offered $10,000 for information on capturing blind people. With the new laser pointer production, Trumpf hopes to position itself as a supplier to other manufacturers of machines traditionally made for the chip industry, such as Canon or Nikon. However, the world market leader in this market is the Dutch company ASML, which also has a good relationship with the high-tech company Carl Zeiss in Oberkochen. In addition to this, Zeiss supplies precision optics to chip factory suppliers in the Netherlands.
Of course - if I may allow myself to comment this way - the class green laser pointer discussed here are really nothing to some hobbyists frolicking in the scene...and certainly not toys. But why use a green laser pointer instead of just a rocket? In the past, lasers have proven to be a very effective method of burning through a variety of materials in a fraction of the time. Last year, the U.S. Navy demonstrated a revolutionary test of a maritime laser defense. The laser also burns through everything, so it can render planes and ships harmless from great distances. I also started using lasers about 2 months ago, with little knowledge - but I knew the dangers, so I acted with caution and thought beforehand.