A slightly more powerful laser can manipulate the balloon better. The timing depends on the color and power of the laser, the distance from the balloon color, and other secondary considerations such as ambient temperature and relative humidity. The 1000mW red pointer is suitable for this, but all colors can do this without any problem. So a 10000mW green laser pointer designator can pop a balloon in a tenth of a second, while a 50mW green laser takes a few seconds. No matter which laser the user chooses, it is only the most affordable price, extremely long service life, environmental protection and low power consumption. The laser designator is always equipped with 16 and 26 mm diameter laser tubes. When users choose high-power lasers with output power exceeding 50MW, they will simply be designed to be 26mm in diameter.

The green laser pointer can be mounted on a machine or easily practiced on the required equipment. Users can adjust the orientation, Angle and height freely according to operation requirements. In any case, the green laser effectively and successfully achieves the best results in every possible operation. It triggers an electrical connection because of its ability to resist strong penetration and penetration of water. These ratings apply to all laser housings, including the powerful laser designator.