If it was a decent company, the power label would be correct, eg: <XXmW. But for many small manufacturers, especially those in China, the power labels are fake, so measuring with a green laser pointer power meter is the most reliable method. If you think a power meter is too expensive, you can observe the beam with the naked eye.
For green lasers, a beam of less than 5mW is invisible, a beam of 200mW is bright, and a beam of 1000mW is thicker and can instantly open a match. For blue lasers, beams below 100mW are invisible, beams above 1000mW are very bright, and blue lasers above 5W are thicker and can burn paper instantly.

How to choose a powerful laser pointer?
Lasers are widely used and are high-tech, high-precision equipment, so the choice is very important. There are very few brands of laser types, but if your budget is not big, don't choose a big brand. A 50000mW laser pointer does not exist for any wavelength! Please understand the power concept carefully: 50000mW equals 50W, this is a car, not a stylus!
How to choose a powerful high power laser pointer suitable for your use? Due to inexperience, many shoppers can waste a lot of time and money on lower-quality products. The same power, sometimes the price is two or even five times different, why? You can check product parameters: divergence angle, heat dissipation, circuit conversion, diode brand, waterproofness, housing material, etc. But the most important thing is not to choose products with fake power supply. If you see any 50000mW laser pointers everywhere, it's a scam! Again, 50W does not exist!