Green laser pointers are obtained from diode-pumped green laser pointer diodes, not off-the-shelf laser diodes. Professionals get green lasers at 532nm in a three-step process. In the first step, an official standard laser diode will generate near-infrared light at a wavelength of 808nm. In the second step, the near-infrared light is focused onto a neodymium crystal, which converts the light into a 1064nm infrared laser. In the third step, the 1064nm infrared laser enters the frequency-doubling crystal and emits green light with a wavelength of 532nm.
Since laser power density has a significant effect on cutting speed, the choice of lens focal length is an important issue. After the laser beam is focused, the spot size is proportional to the focal length of the lens. After the short focal length lens focuses the laser beam, the spot size is small and the fire density is high, which is suitable for material cutting. But its disadvantage is that the depth of focus is very short, which is generally suitable for fast cutting of thin materials. Since the long lens has a depth of focus, it is suitable for cutting thick sheets as long as there is sufficient power density.