Laser light technology has evolved in many ways over the past few decades. Whether you are looking for lasers for a specific application or for more informal reasons, some specifications are required to be visible day or night. Like flashlights or car headlights, green laser pointer can be very visible at night, in low light or at dusk; It doesn't matter what color or intensity a beam over 1mW is. Many lasers start at 100mW and visibility is very clear at night. For daytime use, you need to choose something more powerful. 532nm green is the brightest color for the human eye - you'll want to use a green beam when it comes to daytime visibility. At the same wattage, A mW green laser lamp is 5-7 times brighter than any other color laser.

Adjust the focal length - using a laser that can widen or sharpen the beam is also a wise choice. You can increase the intensity of the beam by making it brighter or more focused. This will make it more visible during the day. 200mW is a starting point -- for actual daytime use, the higher the mW power, the better visibility. At least 200mW is a good starting point for arborist or range shooting. But the stronger the better, good for daytime use.