The light source used for Laser pointer cutting is much stronger than that used for small area illumination. A typical, inexpensive, three-button laser pointer (watch) consumes about 3 milliwatts of battery (3 milliwatts = 0.003 watts), while bright laser Pointers rarely exceed 5 milliwatts. Small, hobby laser cutters have 40 watts of starting power, but types of 60 to 80 watts are common. By the way, to generate this level of laser power, the tube would actually need dozens of times more power than the actual output of the tube.

The cutting laser is usually located in the (invisible) infrared part of the spectrum (frequency below the visible red pointer). It's not important in our calculations, but it's a significant difference. The cutting laser is equipped with an additional pointer laser to give the operator a clear view of the cutting area. Despite the simplicity of these devices, you may be wondering if lasers can do some of the cool things you see in movies. Everyone has seen movies in which lasers are used to cut glass to steal some priceless treasure or infiltrate enemy bases. The maximum power of the laser pointer is 5mW(0.005 watts). (according to US law) and create a point of light about 1/8 inch. For example, I have a 50-watt laser that can cut about 3/8 of an inch of wood. Cutting metal requires more power. However, in addition to the power difference, my laser also has a lens that focuses the light to a precise point, which is another key to using laser cutting. If the workpiece is closer or farther from the focal length of the lens than set, in my case it is 2 inches, it will reduce efficiency or not cut at all because the beam does not reach its precise focus; Or it has already surpassed it and is spreading again. I have attached this illustration for clarity.