The world is changing, Japan is changing, everyone is changing, lasers are always changing. Well, anyway, laser pen red laser pen, green laser pen, purple laser pen, yellow laser pen, it is white laser pen and invisible laser pen, why mini laser pointer is the teacher's "magic" pointer, maybe with laser pointer can change magician? That's not the case, but teachers can really act like magicians using laser Pointers to present their material. Astronomers are very easy, very suitable for observing celestial bodies and pointing at the stars, at night you can see the light from your hands reaching towards the sky, you can enjoy the beautiful constellations of the sky. Compared to other colors, green is the most sensitive color in the laser to the human eye. As a result, the green laser pointer is the brightest of all lasers. That's not enough. The green laser has a wavelength of 532 nm, which is within the average range of lasers.

Compared to the 653nm red laser, the green laser has better visibility because the green color diffuses easily in the atmosphere. The shorter the wavelength, the more visible and long light will be scattered. As a result, the green laser pointer is considered the most powerful of all. Use your laser pointer as a demonstrator. Use it to direct the organization's attention to specific parts of the message and ensure that your message is properly communicated to them.
Tease your cat or dog. A cat (or dog) will run on the track for several hours. Even if your pet can't figure it out, this toy will even satisfy your pet after the "kill." Try laser dancing. Laser pointer crystal, resulting in countless magical laser dance (note: dancers remember not to directly reflect the appearance of the laser beam, can only use a low millimeter laser pointer) the blue laser pointer is the best color high powered laser pointer astronomy, because the most conspicuous color laser pointer is green. Green is more noticeable because the human eye is more sensitive to green light. Another reason is that when light is weak in the atmosphere, low-wavelength light is longer than the light that scatters visible light in the sky. Green is medium wavelength and therefore stands out more than long wavelength red.