Laser pointer, also known as green laser pointer, refers to star feathers, usually used to emit light reflection points or points in the process of presentation, teaching, and guidance. According to media reports, laser pointer eye burns have occurred from time to time. On the other hand, many parents still do not realize that laser pointers will bring safety hazards to their children, and they have not provided safety education to their children. Reporters in this area once again learned from the shop owner if the cigarette ignited the experimental laser pointer. It takes longer to light a match with a lighter, but very fast. The reporter focused the laser pointer again, and a cigarette shone 10 cm outside. After 15 seconds, among the red flashing cigarette butts, the chicken was lit by the cigarette.

The 200mW green laser pointer has an adjustable focal length (532nm). The laser spot can be enlarged or reduced, and it is widely used in astronomy, seabed, classroom, amphitheater, surgery, outdoor travel and other fields. With an output power of up to 200mW, coupled with a special zoom lens, the low-cost 200mW high-power astronomical green high powered laser pointer of the Morphling series is green is the most obvious color of the human eye, making it the most obvious green laser approved by the FDA. You can follow the stars along the light! If you are looking for a laser pointer or have some basic understanding of how the spectrum works, then each visible color has a specific wavelength (or frequency) that represents the actual length of the wave itself. Low wavelengths are long wavelengths and ultraviolet rays, such as 355nm ultraviolet lasers, which are not visible to the human eye because they are not part of the visible spectrum.
When using high-power Class III and Class IV lasers, this is far from the truth. The risk seems to be small, because it's just a laser pointer, doesn't it? But the reality is that these high-power lasers are not toys, but tools that can be used responsibly or irresponsibly. It is fun and sporty, and girls have nothing to envy boys in this regard. Youth Entertainment Services Uzès City’s mission is to organize leisure activities and holidays for everyone, let children discover various practices, provide educational activities outside of school, and provide a place for welcoming and daily entertainment.