Depending on your goal, the green laser is the most obvious and the beam is tighter, and the blue laser makes the green emit red fluorescence, which is the most dangerous to the eyes. The green Laser pointer sight will reveal your position (if you use it for aiming, red may be better because you don't see much side scatter of the beam). Cats seem to prefer red (although this is a very bad idea).. Take a more liberal definition of not just reflected colors, because this light source is monochromatic, which means one color. Obtaining a green laser pointer is unnatural, but it is generally considered the most conspicuous presentation tool. The green DPSS laser converts electrical energy into 808nm infrared light, and then sends it to a neodymium crystal, which converts 50% of it into 1064nm infrared light. The 1064nm beam is then sent to the KTP crystal, which converts 50% of the 1064nm green light into 532nm. There is a long process before I finally get it.

The red laser pointer is the simplest because the laser diode can be used as a full 650nm or 635nm laser diode. It's nothing more than batteries, red laser diodes and circuit boards. The blue laser pointer is usually produced by multiplying the frequency of 946nm laser radiation from a diode-pumped Nd:YAG or Nd:YVO4 crystal. At the same time, there are also 450nm blue laser pointers on the open market, produced from finished 450nm laser diodes. The low-power 460nm blue laser can also be used as a demonstration tool under various conditions.