Any laser pointers and handheld green laser pointer from Dragonlasers should last at least 8,000 hours if you take care of them properly. In practice, this means that if you use your laser for 3 hours a day, your laser will last longer than 7 years. Your laser should be stored in a dry place with a humidity not exceeding 45% and a temperature not lower than 0 degrees Celsius, preferably not higher than 50 degrees Celsius.
Treat your laser gently. These high power laser pointer are delicate electronics with sophisticated optics and should always be handled with care and never rough. Lenses can be easily damaged or scratched when cleaning, so be careful. Ideally, you should hire a professional camera repair/service person to clean your lens for you. Power supply: We recommend customers to use a new battery or a fully charged battery to power the laser pointer. This is because all types of batteries degrade in voltage over time. A used battery may only provide 1.0 volts because batteries are rated for 1.5 volts. The working voltage of the laser is 3 volts, which is lower than 2.5 volts. As a result, the laser cannot provide sufficient output power or cannot work.

Laser Safety Tips
(1) Never aim your laser at another person, especially on their face.
(2) Do not look directly into the laser beam under any circumstances. Even with low power lasers, you don't want to risk your eyes.
(3) Always be aware and pay attention to reflective surfaces such as mirrors, polished metal or glass. Reflected beams can also be harmful to the eyes.
(4) Use the laser only in a controlled environment.
(5) Do not let others use your laser unless they are fully aware of the dangers of the laser.
(6) Laser beams can travel for miles, so it's never an accident without a laser.
(7) Wear laser goggles when using high power lasers for hazardous applications.