In addition, if it is a 200MW Matomo product, there is no such pen shape. Built-in heat sink and fan. The reason is that if their output heat, the internal laser pen will deteriorate, the output weakened. The worst outcome is destruction. To be able to see light means that the light that's being diffused by dust in the air or something at that point in space reaches your eye and it looks like it's moving there. As a result, the amount of light will steadily decline. Light that should travel straight and not propagate is also scattered and diffracted by dust and propagates. When the amount of light is undecayed and travels in a straight line, the path of the light cannot be seen from the side because there is no scattered light.

The researchers increased this capability by building Raman spectrometers using low-power, low-cost, off-the-shelf high-power green laser pointer designators. The relatively weak wavelength of green laser helps to improve the inherent low Raman signal detection. The spectrometer can optically scan the entire sample, then scan left and right to find individual particles of interest. This is usually a big, big Raman microscope. If it's a real laser, there's no divergence, there's no way to mitigate or disperse, it should go to infinity. However, this is unrealistic because the Earth's atmosphere would decay and, more importantly, emit light. Even if you could generate a laser strong enough to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, it would still be emitted as it escaped. This gradually reduces the intensity of the light as it reaches farther out into space, causing the beam to disappear after a certain distance.