In the United States, the sale of laser pointers is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), requiring all laser pointers sold in the United States to have an output power of at least 1 mW but less than 5 mW. There are no illegal laser pointers in the United States. As long as you do not harm any property or personnel, it is completely legal to own and operate even burning lasers. The only major law about lasers is that you cannot point them at passing aircraft because it will interfere with their navigation.

Items similar to Laser pointer are called "hand-held lasers." If they have a lock and a detachable key, there is a two-second delay on the "on" switch, and an indicator light to indicate that the laser is turned on. In addition, the manufacturer needs to submit a schematic diagram of the electronic product to the FDA and apply for a "difference". These lasers are highly concentrated and several times more powerful than the typical laser pointers you use frequently. People do sell cutting laser pointer products that can cut paper, but you may not find products that can cut thick glass. Because of the heat they can generate, some laser pointers can even light matches. They may be able to help you start a fire under the right conditions.