Cats are natural enemies and usually have a strong prey drive-the instinctive drive to catch rodents, birds and bugs. This is why your cat stares at the crawling bugs on the floor and then pounces on them or looks longingly at the birds on the bird feeder in the yard. This is why your outdoor cat occasionally brings you "gifts", such as birds, lizards, or even bunny, on your doormat. Unlike dogs, cats do not usually have the same opportunities for physical exercise. They do not go for daily walks or run freely in the backyard. Many domestic cats stay strictly indoors. Playing games with a Laser pointer is an excellent way to encourage strenuous activity. Even a fat cat can improve her aerobic exercise by chasing a short-term high-energy exercise with a laser pointer. This activity helps build and maintain muscle mass and helps keep the cat healthy and trimmed.

In addition to good exercises for cats, laser pointers are also a good way to keep cats thinking. Hunting requires a lot of mental concentration, so a short game of laser marking will give her some of the mental activities she needs. As she learns to hone her fierce hunting skills, use your laser skills to increase the challenge. Run the laser under the object and at the corner to help her improve her problem-solving ability and rapid decision-making ability. The biggest advantage of the laser pointer is its ease of use. They can be used almost anywhere in the house. You can lie in bed, play Netflix, or even do some work at home. The laser pointer makes it easier for you to interact and exercise with cats every day. The hustle and bustle of life makes it easy to forget that our cat needs our attention. Having a toy that allows you to play with your cat more often is a great way to strengthen your bond with her.