What is the blue light used to destroy a separatist ship by the "Interstellar Destroyer" of the Venat class in the battle. Do you think you are referring to this. Well, this is actually a SPHA, docked in the bay of the class star destroyer. Artificial joints used by the Republic during the Battle of Great Britain, and several aircraft were installed for combat on the recommendation. This actually makes a lot of sense. Utilizing powerful technical specifications, it was later used to manufacture the "Death Star" super laser pointer. In addition, SPHA has a wide range and can penetrate shields, so it is an excellent choice for this character. Even its main disadvantage. That is, lack of mobility. We offset it by placing it on the capital ship.

So, all in all, the blue laser pointer seen in the battle came from SPHA. Are electromagnetic guns and lasers the only potential defense against hypersonic missiles and warheads? Not the slightest. Hypersonic missile. The best defense against hypersonic weapons is the same as the best defense against subsonic missiles. Same as the best defense against free fall bombs. In turn, it is the same as the best defense against the Kamikaze-undetected. Do not be recognized and not tracked (in this order).I saw someone on the Internet using a magnet to try to repair your laser pen. The reason for this is that the magnet deforms the spring, which is necessary to connect the battery to the laser itself. So yes, don't use magnets to try to repair your laser pen. You are unlikely to put the laser pen on the sitting side and come back. Suddenly, it doesn't work. If so, it may be a battery. However, if your laser pen stops working for other reasons, it is likely to hit another surface (you dropped or hit it).
If you don't know where the enemy is, then it doesn't matter how resilient the missile is, unless you have enough ability to fill the entire ocean with the missile (you won't). If you know a contact who may be an enemy but may be a whale, then your condition will only be slightly better. If you know where the enemy is when the missile arrives there from 20 minutes later, but don't know where he will be, you will be in a better situation, but you can still drive the enemy out of the country with any degree of realization.
Refusal to detect, identify and track can protect any target from any threat. Only after solving these problems can you continue to work hard to fight the enemy. Hypersonic missiles have advantages over older designs because they are difficult to shoot down by existing anti-missile systems. There is no reason to believe that this is impossible, but the success rate of anti-missiles against ballistic missiles is still not satisfactory, and these projectiles are still difficult to shoot down. If they are helpful to you, then electronic countermeasures are a better way of defense. The missile will hit somewhere near you instead of you.
The existing ballistic missiles can also shoot down hypersonic missiles in principle, but the reliability is not high. Currently, lasers are hardly available in this regard, and atmospheric scattering makes laser pointers worthless in too short a time. Electromagnetic guns may be better, but the main advantage of electromagnetic guns over missiles is the low cost of ammunition, not the performance of the projectile. It is not necessary to spend money on ammunition, because ammunition could have saved ships from imminent doom.
I suspect that missiles that can actually intercept hypersonic missiles are already in production and will be deployed within a few years. Don't expect anything fancy, they will be roughly the same as current ballistic missiles, but with updated software, they may have higher operability and better detection systems. They are still the second line of defense against any attacker. Remember this.