Forerunner light weapons are based on weaponized "glare." That is the material of the forerunner optical bridge: hard light technology can absorb light. And made it solid with science fiction space voodoo teaching aids, which has never been fully explained in this tutorial. The pioneer light rifle fires energy projectiles made of strong solid light, which is different from lasers, which emit non-solid beams. The meaning is. The pioneer's strong light weapons somehow combined the high-energy characteristics of directed energy weapons with the kinetic energy of laser pointer projectile weapons. This should come in handy when fighting the flood.

Weapons: Do we have the technology to make real laser pointer impactors like in "Star Wars"? If not, how far are we from achieving the goal? The good news: it's farther than you think. Bad news: If I tell you more, I will have to kill you. As other posters point out, the energy weapons in the Star Wars universe actually fire bolts of superheated plasma, which is charged at extremely high temperatures.
If you are looking for a good astronomical laser pen, you have come to the right place. Finding the right laser pen can be confusing and difficult to know where to start. Fortunately, I have an experience to share with you to help you rationally decide the best laser pen for astronomy.
Compared with the laser pointer, it has obvious advantages: it is not easy to be reflected or resisted in other ways, it will not only cause slight burns, and from the film point of view, it means that you will get beautiful luminous projectiles. However, how to obtain a plasma mass that is basically a gas so that it remains mass-shaped while moving at high speed.
You turn it into a smoke ring. Technically speaking, it is a vortex ring. Its working principle is exactly the same as that of a smoke ring. It has a rapidly rotating plasma ring that maintains cohesion and can be projected at an amazing speed. (You may have seen "blower" toys work the same way.)
This is a huge and boring version of the same thing-still able to knock down walls: how fast can we fire plasma? (A magnetic acceleration ring that achieves ultra-high directional energy and radiation) is the US Air Force Research Laboratory, which successfully launched a plasma ring at a speed of more than 100 km/s. The purpose is to use MARAUDER as an anti-satellite/anti-missile weapon.
The collision with the target will not only cause thermal and dynamic effects, but also produce EMP that can damage electronic equipment. The hardware uses the Air Force’s impressive (if the name is unknown) pulse power facility. Since 1995, there has been no other news about this laser pointer project. Maybe they just cancelled the project, but maybe not.