The high-power green high powered laser pointer is becoming more and more popular. The green laser is an astronomical observation assistant, pointing at stars and celestial bodies. Green lasers that emit in the green part of the spectrum are widely used by the public in a wide range of output power. In many cases, green tends to perform better, especially outdoors. The problem with the red laser is that there is more red in the sky, and it tends to wash out the red in the laser. On the other hand, there is less green light in nature, so green laser is more difficult to clean.

Compared with other wavelengths of the same power, green laser pointer promotional emitting at 532 nm (563.5 THz) are relatively inexpensive and are very popular due to their good beam quality and very high apparent brightness. Green lasers have a wide range of applications, including pointing, lighting, surgery, lasers, spectroscopy, interferometry, fluorescence, holography, machine vision, non-lethal weapons, and bird control.