If you're not sure about the safety of the high power laser pointer you've bought, he recommends testing it: if the laser beam melts or discolours chocolate within seconds, it should have a beam power of at least 20 mW - which is usually excessive , so the risk is high. Koch: "Chocolate is dark or white, but the structure is different. "So if the 500MW laser pointer is counted as a weapon component, then the viewfinder scope, which can also be used as a rifle scope together with the crosshair eyepiece, must also be counted as a weapon component. Take a laser pointer and shine it on a nearby object. In the spot of light you can only see the small dots that appear when coherent light is reflected. Using optics just as reasonably successful! The pen and weight!! Latest latest time for people at night

In principle, how to use the laser pointer efficiently
So, first open first, then straight first! ! Dangerous traffic accident caused by laser pointer shop" - "Laser attack on civilian police" - "12-year-old Austrian blinded by laser pointer" - "Pilot blinded by green laser pointer on approach". Always the headlines. From Germany Air traffic control's Kristina Kelek said the strong light was a potential hazard for air traffic. "The pilot described it as a strong sunlight that the driver could feel on the road. No insurance will be provided in the event of an accident or liability caused by the green laser sight. Whether self-harm or damage to third parties, the laser can in principle be used as an aiming aid for the weapon; there is also a telescopic viewfinder.
Therefore, if the 500MW laser pointer is counted as a weapon part, then the viewfinder sight, which can also be used as a rifle scope together with the crosshair eyepiece, must also be counted as a weapon part. Take a laser pointer and shine it on a nearby object. In a spot of light, you can only see small dots that appear when coherent light is reflected. The use of optics was equally reasonably successful! pen and weight! ! For the latest late night people, only an extremely powerful laser pointer with a power of about 150 mW or more can light a match. Even the visibility of blips over distances of more than a kilometer should be impossible with the allowed pointer.