But even such a powerful beam poses no danger to the crew of an aircraft in flight. After travelling a long distance and passing through the cockpit glass, it spreads out so as not to dazzle the pilot. The fact remains that such a beam would distract them and cause them to crash on landing. This is why we should not change aviation safety rules, but tighten controls on the trade and use of laser equipment, UK experts concluded. Since its development, laser Pointers have found many applications in many different fields. They are used to highlight by projecting a point, and to point to places where my fingers or hands might be heavy or completely irrelevant to me. Here is a list of applications where high power green laser pointer can be used.

High-power laser Pointers are an important tool for airport authorities to avoid bird collisions. Farmers can also use high powered laser Pointers on their 30,000 megawatt fields, save endangered crop birds and comply with wildlife laws. These special types of devices are a very powerful non-lethal method of bird transmission. Powerful blue laser pointer 30000MW can light matches, cigarettes, firecrackers and detonate balloons from a distance! With it, you can also write on snow or ice! Its super-strong blue laser beams are clearly visible during the day, in slightly dark or dusty rooms. High visibility at night, up to 10 kilometers, can point at a distance to a target, such as a star, or distant objects. It can also turn your room into a nightclub disco, with its tips throwing stars at the ceiling and walls! Because the dials on each tip can change the gorgeous lighting effect and create excellent results. Can be used to create a variety of visual atmosphere, lighting, astronomical use, scientific research, architecture,