Due to the wireless presenter with high powered laser pointer demand in the civilian market, a number of new laser pointers have been developed in the past two years, with precise power testing and non-overclocking designs. The laser pointer is a small handheld device that emits a very focused beam. Although the total beam power may be low, focusing this power on a small spot produces a very high intensity spot. Laser pointers are often used as presentation aids by professors and teachers. For this purpose, a low-power laser pointer is sufficient. Powerful lasers can illuminate the night sky and are used by astronomers to observe stars and constellations. Some researchers or scientists can also use them.

At one point, the idea of ordinary people owning any type of laser seemed to have a long way to go. But after the first laser pointer came out, these futuristic objects slowly became almost ubiquitous. Whether an executive is looking for an effective way to highlight certain areas of a professional presentation, or an amateur astronomer wants to highlight his favorite constellation, a laser pointer can do the job. The laser power in the laser pointer is the most important indicator to measure the performance of the laser and the type of applicable tasks. The mW rating measures the output power of the laser. The following table lists the meaning of the different power ranges of the laser pointer for its use.