The use of laser Pointers has become very common. Pointers are useful tools for educators in classrooms, conventions and conferences. However, due to low cost and ubiquitous supply, these green laser pointer are now bought and used by the general public, including children, in ways that manufacturers do not want. As a result, serious concerns have surfaced about the dangers of laser Pointers. For 1000MW powerful lasers, the combustion power is low because there is no infrared filter installed in these lasers. I didn't expect that. The radiator can be reduced by adding a fan or TEC (TerMIC Electric cooling), but another power supply must be added to save costs. As far as I'm concerned, this component is very nice and simple. It is not large enough to add other elements. I went to a website. I doubt if you can enter 532nm 3W or 10W in the pointer.

For 2000mW lasers, you can use the same component (supply voltage + large series resistance), but will emit more heat. For the first test, why not, instead use a large power resistor. There are 10000MW green laser drive power card.
Efficiency, yes, I think it's higher, but the photodiode I rely on May not matter? Another question that interests me more directly is that I bought the module on the US website, but there is no characteristic provided, only the output power and voltage (output power/operating voltage), there is no way to determine the exact number of amperes? Class III: Medium laser, the beam directly into the eye, can cause injury, for safety reasons, further classified as IIIA and IIIB. IIIA is a continuous visible laser beam with 1-5MW laser beam, whose energy density does not exceed 25W/Mm. Avoid observing IIIA laser with telescopes, which may increase risks. Typical IIIA and Class II applications have many similarities, such as laser Pointers, high powered laser scanners, teachers, corporate administration/conference chairs, museums/exhibitions/tour guides, etc.
IIIB is the danger of continuous laser power of 5MW to laser of 500mW, directly observed under the light. However, the minimum irradiation distance is 13cm, and the maximum exposure time is 10 seconds after safety. Typical applications of IIIB lasers, such as spectral measurement and entertainment lighting.