The principle of blue light laser pointer
It turned out that only the 473nm blue laser generated by DPSS was low power and unstable. As CASIO developed a hybrid light source high-brightness projector including blue laser diodes (445nm), blue semiconductor diodes with power exceeding 1000mW (class 4) were mass-produced and popularized. Physicists have created the brightest light on Earth, and by focusing a high power laser pointer to a brightness more than a billion times brighter than the surface of the sun, changes in the interaction of light and matter can be observed. These changes produce unique pulses of X-rays that could potentially produce extremely high-resolution images valuable in medicine, engineering, science and safety.

Principle of violet laser pointer
The blue-violet laser diode with a wavelength of 405nm is used, which is a semiconductor laser, close to the ultraviolet light band, and has low visibility, but it can excite fluorescence, and has the function of currency detection and chemical inspection. Photons from standard light generally scatter at the same angle and energy to hit an electron, no matter how bright it is. However, Umstadter's team found that after a certain threshold, the brightness of the burning laser pointer changes the angle, shape and wavelength of the scattered light. Turn up the brightness of the lights so that things are different, which is not what you usually encounter. (an object) usually gets brighter, but it looks like it's at a lower light level. The light here is changing the appearance of the object, the light appears at different angles and has different colors depending on how bright it is.
Brightness of 5000mw laser pointer
By establishing a relationship between the brightness of a 5000mW green laser pointer and its scattered light properties, the team confirmed a recently proposed method for measuring the peak intensity of laser light. The study also supports long-standing hypotheses that cannot be directly tested by physicists due to technical limitations. This huge value is difficult to grasp, but we assume it is 100,000,000 instances stronger than a typical stadium floodlight, or as a standard for all solar photovoltaic energy falling on London. Imagine focusing all of the sun's energy onto a surface the size of a human hair at some stage in a trillionth of a second: that's almost an LFEX 500mw laser pointer. Just one of a series of extremely high-energy lasers being built around the world, from the huge 192-beam National Ignition Facility in California, to the CoReLS laser in South Korea and the Vulcan laser in Rutherford's Appleton Laboratory Outdoor Oxford, UK, noted But some. There are different projects in the design phase - the most daring of which is undoubtedly Serious Light Infrastructure, an international collaboration mainly located in Japan and Europe to build a 50mw green laser pointer 10 instances more powerful than the LFEX.