Since 2009. NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) orbits the moon a dozen times a day. There are six high-tech instruments on the lunar survey orbiter. These 6 high-tech instruments not only helped scientists draw a detailed map of the moon. And let them know more about the radiation and temperature on the lunar surface. But in fact, the lunar reconnaissance orbiter also carries a fairly simple instrument. A book-sized reflector.

In the past ten years. Scientists have been shooting laser pointer beams from Earth to the reflector of the lunar reconnaissance orbiter about 240,000 miles away. Hope to catch the return signal. On Monday, NASA scientists and their French colleagues announced. They successfully received the return signal for the first time. What information can scientists gather from the laser light reflected from the lunar reconnaissance orbiter? First, it accurately reveals the time it takes for the photon to go back and forth-2.5 seconds on average. Scientists can use this time to determine the exact distance of an object. At the same time, by measuring small fluctuations in the duration. They can study the subtle movements of the moon.