Increasing output power of laser devices has continuously increased the requirements for laser films. The ideal UV laser reflective film needs to have both high reflectivity. wide reflection bandwidth and high laser damage threshold. However, these requirements are often difficult to meet at the same time. In the past, the combination film design usually used requires trade-offs between the mutually restrictive performance requirements such as reflectance, bandwidth, and laser pointer damage threshold.
In this study, the researchers used the tunable properties of the refractive index and optical band gap of the nano-stack to design a new UV laser reflective film that surpassed the performance of traditional UV laser films, providing an important technical approach to improve the comprehensive performance of laser films.

The nano-stack with two materials alternating is used as an equivalent layer with a high refractive index and a large optical band gap, instead of the high-refractive-index film layer in the traditional combined film system design. Under the premise of keeping the total optical thickness constant, Laser Engraver can adjust the (average) refractive index and optical band gap of the nano-laminated film by changing the thickness ratio of the two materials in the nano-laminate. This makes it possible to develop UV reflective films with both high reflectivity and high laser damage threshold.
Based on the new nano-stack design ideas, researchers have designed and experimentally proved that nano-layer-based reflective films have higher reflectivity, bandwidth, and laser damage threshold in the ultraviolet band, which is suitable for the field of ultraviolet green laser pointer. This work was supported by the National Top Ten Program Young Talents, the National Natural Science Foundation of China. the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. and the Shanghai Young Talent Project.Our new laser diode technology enables this laser pointer with a new wavelength of 445 nm to increase the visibility of the 405 NM laser pointer laser beam by 300 times. Do you find a red laser pointer, green, blue-violet, laser transmitter, or shiny silver detector? You are lucky! We provide you with the most powerful laser at a reasonable price, and the quality is reassuring! Special offer for buying lasers! Great tool!